Embarking on a sewing project is akin to setting off on a creative journey, with each stitch weaving a narrative of craftsmanship. In the realm of sewing, the finishing touches hold the power to elevate a garment from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Among these crucial finishing steps, seam finishing methods stand out as the unsung heroes, ensuring the longevity and polished look of your creations. In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating world of seam finishing, exploring the variety of techniques that can be seamlessly executed with your trusty sewing machine. Join us as we unravel the artistry behind finishing raw edges, unlocking a spectrum of methods that promise to add both durability and aesthetic appeal to your sewing repertoire.
Method 1 – Serger/overlock
For this method you will need to have serger/overlock machine. This is a versatile method that gives a clean seam finish to all types of fabrics.
Make sure you place your fabric right side up before serging/overlocking the seams!
Method 2 – Zig zag stitch
We recommend getting an overedge, overcast or overlock foot for your sewing machine - in fact, you may already have one included with your machine. If you do not have one – do not worry – test the placement of zig zag by turning hand wheel towards you to check the placement of the needle.
Set your machine to the zigzag stitch setting. Stitch the seam allowances, keeping the edges lined up.
Method 3 – Pinking shears
A sharp pair of pinking shears is required to cut pinked seams. Pinking shears have sharp zigzag edges.
Once you have your main seam done and pressed, use the pinking scissors to cut a zigzag line along the entire raw edge of the fabric.
Make sure not to cut too much of the seam allowance – leave at least ¼” (0.5 cm) at the seam.
If you cut near the seam, you will risk the seams coming undone.